I’m so in love with you! I can’t stop thinking about you.You can find the best and latest collection of I’m so in love with you quotes here. This is the main difference between being in love with someone and loving someone.I’m so in love with you quotes will surely make you go crazy for your love and even for your first love. But when you love someone, you cannot see a future without them. This kind of love allows you to romanticize your partner and the relationship. When in love with someone, you can easily fall out of love. You show your person your most vulnerable side, and now there is no taking it back. When you love someone, you put all your chips on the table, you show them all your cards, and you hope for the very best. Loving a person is something that defines who you are. You care about them more than you think, and imagining a life without them will be difficult for you. When you truly love someone, moments of separation and loss can fill you with overwhelming emotions. Then you are going to be left feeling lost and confused.īeing in love is easily recognizable, but loving, on the other hand, gives no such reminders. You will believe this person to be the perfect specimen, and sadly this feeling will wear off once the happy chemicals die down. When you are in love, the chemicals inside your brain make you feel as if you are the greatest person in the world. When you love someone, you care more about that person than you think.When you’re in love, you think you care about that person more than you do.The only thing you can do is to keep on working and refreshing what you already have. However, you must understand that you cannot make progress and build something forever. This often scares couples because they are constantly looking forward to making progress. The reason behind this is that you have already reached the finish line. You are always striving for more and want to build a more serious relationship. You want to spend time with your significant other and get to know them better. This is what makes falling in love with someone so exhilarating- you are constantly yearning for more. When you love someone, the goal doesn’t matter.When in love with someone, you plan to reach a goal.Once you have crossed the stage of being in love with some to loving them, you will have to let go of the feeling of high and be prepared to ride the less emotional waves. You care about them, and the emotions that come with this are just a simple perk. You think about your significant other and wish the best for them. When you love someone, there is not much emotion there. However, this is where the problem lies after some time, you come down. It makes you feel like you are floating on top of a cloud, and you never want to let go. When you’re in love with someone, you experience a feeling of high that you do not want to come down from. When you love someone Your emotions are settled.When you’re in love with someone Your sentiments are on the edge.This kind of love sometimes requires you to let them go and set them free. You need this person to live happily and not because you own this person but because you want to give them a part of you. On the other hand, when you love, you don’t only want them in your life, but you need them. In simple terms, being in love is believing that you need someone to stay happy. When you fall in love, you feel an intense need to consume this person in any way possible. It is believing that this person is incredibly wonderful and you need them in your life. Being in love is wanting to own the other person.

This is the main difference between loving someone and being in love. When you love someone, you need this person.When you’re in love, you want this person.Mentioned below are some differences between loving someone and being in love: Even today, many people do not know the difference between “I’m in love with you” and “I love you.” Even though most people mistake them for being synonyms, these sentences are not at all alike.īeing in love with someone and loving someone are two entirely different things, and it is important that you know the difference between the two.